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Arisa Houston

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Reindeer Medicine Woman

I have been the medicine woman for my tribe since I was a young woman of 20 years.   I was initiated into this role after I had an amazing experience, which I will now share with you, Dear Reader.

One day while picking blackberries in a field, I spotted a herd of reindeer directly across from where I was standing. They were also enjoying the bounty of blackberries.  One of the deer who had huge white antlers  - something I have never seen before, actually made eye contact with me for the longest time.  He seemed to be communicating with me.  In my mind I could hear him say that if our tribe would only kill a few members of his herd each year to give us food for sustenance and nourishment; he would communicate with me always to help our tribe in whatever way he could.  He also told me that his name was White Antler and I could reach him in my dreams or in my waking life by simply imagining him in my mind and then calling his name.  I took this communication very seriously although it was so unusual and seemed somewhat like I was in a dreamstate.

When I returned to my tribe I shared my experience with our Chief, Many Moons Walking.  Afterwards, Many Moons Walking spoke, “ My child, you have been given a great gift.  It just may provide the guidance that our people need to survive.”  I noticed that Many Moons Walking had tears in his eyes as he continued speaking, “Go now and spend time with Blue Feather who will initiate you into the ways of Medicine Woman.”

Blue Feather was a gentle but demanding medicine teacher.  When I arrived at her lodge she got right down to the core of things,  “Reindeer, (that was my new name) your apprenticeship with me will be complete after next summer.  So, you have much to learn and I have much to teach you.  Until the next full moon, I want you to spend your days and nights contacting White Antler’s spirit.  I will teach you how to reach deep levels of relaxation so that you can enter trance states either while walking during the day or lying down before you sleep.  And of course you’ll learn how to remember your dreams when you speak with White Antler or whoever appears that is a helping ally. “

Thus began my apprenticeship with Blue Feather.  I never did see White Antler again in the flesh, but he still communicates with me in dreams and helps our tribe in many ways including finding food and water.  I have become quite a legend not only with my tribe but amongst our people.  Whenever we have powwows, I dance my Reindeer Medicine.  As a part of my costume, I wear white antlers. Many moons ago, White Antler had shed them for me and told me where to find them in a dream.  When I dance everyone feels the magic and power of White Antler as I do.  I become White Antler during the dance and when I am finished dancing, I feel as if I am coming out of trance as I slowly become myself again.

I have had quite an amazing journey in this life.  Every day I thank Great Spirit for my life and especially I thank White Antler for crossing the boundaries of four-leggeds and two- leggeds to become One.

And now Dear Reader I would like to leave you with this Native American Prayer by an Elder:

“Honor the Sacred.  Honor the Earth our Mother. Honor the Elders.  Honor all with whom we share the Earth: Four-leggeds, two- leggeds, winged ones, swimmers, crawlers, plant and rock people.

Walk in balance and beauty.”

Reindeer Medicine Woman


Once upon a time long ago and faraway, I was born.  You may of heard of my father, the Greek God, Zeus, but perhaps you haven’t heard of my mother, the mortal, Solara. I was raised by the Goddess, Hera who was also Zeus’s wife.  She would descend from lofty Mt. Olympus periodically to check to see that her mortal servants were taking proper care of me, but that was the only contact I had with her.  I never saw Zeus, not ever.  It was rumored that he had many children both on Olympus and Earth.  I suppose I was one of the forgotten ones.  I really don’t know why Hera even bothered to look in on me.  Perhaps, I was a threat to her in some way.  As I grew older and some say very beautiful, I decided that I was going to find my mother.  I dare not tell Hera for she was such a jealous Goddess.  I didn’t even know if my mother Solara was alive.  I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that Hera had murdered her in a fit of jealousy and rage; however I was determined to find my mother dead or alive.  Now this was a tricky business.  How do you trick a Goddess into thinking that you are simply going to visit a distant cousin?   Fortunately, Hera was not aware that I had a magical ability.  I discovered that I could transform into many disguises when I would leave my palace.  Some days, I would wander the public market as an old woman haggling over fruit.  Other days, I would turn myself into a young man as I walked here and there throughout the village.  Perhaps, Hera forgot that I am a demi-goddess.  Oh well, that memory loss was in my favor.  I suppose she was so busy keeping track of all of Zeus’s indiscretions that she couldn’t possibly find the time to discover my secret ability.

The day finally arrived for my departure to visit my cousin who lived several days journey from my home.  Luckily, I have a magical horse that can take me anywhere faster than a mortal horse can.  Her name is Emerald Breeze.  All I have to do is whisper our destination and we are away.  Today I merely whispered, “Go North Emerald Breeze.”  I added emphatically, “And go a little slower, I’m not quite sure where we are going yet.”  Emerald Breeze snorted and stamped her hooves in response and we were gone.

After a short while, I turned myself into a young man (Emerald Breeze was use to my disguises by now, not to worry) as we headed North.  Many questions were churning within me as I rode.  Would I know my mother if I saw her?  Would she recognize me as her daughter? Most importantly, is she alive?

After several days into our journey, I began to get a strong sense that my mother was alive.  It was almost as if I heard her voice in the wind calling me to her.  So on one day, I left Emerald Breeze in a grassy field on a cliff.  I found a goat path that led me to a protected cove.  As I made my way down the hill, I spied a very huge boulder on the beach and decided to make that my destination.  Once I got to the boulder, I saw bubbles in the sea around it like a large fish or sea creature had just submerged. I waited curiously to see what would happen.  To my delight, a mermaid surfaced.  She was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen.  Her hair was black with seaweed and kelp tangled in it very decoratively.  As we studied each other and looked deeply into one another’s eyes, we both knew simultaneously that we were mother and daughter.  Of course,  I had already turned myself back into a woman by the time my mother set eyes upon me.

“Mother, why did you leave me? I implored.

“Iona, I think of you every day of my life, Solara replied. “I never wanted to leave you,” she added.

“Then why did you abandon me?”

“It is a long story my daughter.  The short of it was -   Zeus and I fell in love.  You were the blessing of our union.  Unfortunately, Hera found out about us and you.  And without Zeus’ knowledge, turned me into a mermaid and kidnapped you.  I am so sorry that we were separated.  I have missed you so much.”

After talking until sunrise, we hatched a plan.  Since I could transform myself into anyone, why not a mermaid.  We could still spend time together – mostly in the sea and I could still live on land in my palace.  I knew that Hera would soon grow tired of checking up on me, especially if I could make myself look very plain.   Hera would then realize that I wasn’t a threat to her. She also would never know about my mermaid adventures with Solara.  And, if she did find out, no worries.  After all, I’m a demi-goddess and I probably have more magical powers that I am aware of.

My mother and I and  Emerald Breeze lived happily ever after.



I have lived many incarnations on this Earth.  And now, I mostly exist in the inner planes and appear to people in meditation.  Once in a great while I’ll become visible to beings in their normal waking states.  I have to admit I am a bit of a trickster and love to make myself and others laugh.

I’d like to share a story about one of my pranks with you and perhaps it will bring a smile or even better laughter.

Once upon a time,  a couple of bandits, Tenzing And Momo were sitting around a campsite high in the Himalayan mountains.   They were plotting and scheming to rob a nearby monastery.  One of the men, Tenzing actually had a brother who was a monk in the monastery they were about to rob.    So, Tenzing, who was also very jealous of his brother, decided they would rob the monastery and cause poverty and hunger amongst the monks.   So this is where I come in.  I appeared to them as an innocent man who lived in the village.  Of course Tenzing and Momo were startled when I appeared and a bit anxious that I had overheard their plans.  I admitted that I had overheard their plans, but I assured them I was willing to help them steal gold or whatever they could get their hands on.  When they asked me why I would help them, I replied, “ Hey, I’m tired of always giving food and what little money I have to those beggar monks.  It certainly doesn’t make my life any better.  They always say they’ll pray for my prosperity. Ha, what a joke.”  

“I’m getting poorer and poorer and making them fat and rich, I continued with disdain.   “Of course, I will lead you to their riches, but I’m going to take my share as well.”

The two robbers hemmed and hawed and guffawed about why they should trust a total stranger.  Tenzing, then spoke up and said,  “What do we have to lose.” Even if the monks catch us in the act of stealing, they won’t harm us.”

Thank Buddha, the two robbers accepted me and my story.  We talked into the wee hours as we wove our web of deceit.   I informed the Tenzing and Momo that I would scout ahead and find out what the routine was in the monastery and then we would rob the monks when they were all asleep.

When I returned several days later, I informed my accomplices that the following night was an excellent time to steal from the monastery. The monks would all be tired after a day in which the entire village celebrated the birth of Buddha.  Tenzing and Momo excitedly rubbed their hands with glee thinking of all the gold and treasures that would soon be theirs.  I became even more of their kind of thug, when I told them that I knew where the gold was stashed.   

Well, the big night finally arrived as we crept stealthily into the night and made our way into the monastery.    We crept around gathering little statues here and there.  And then we entered a huge room.  It was dark and it looked like it was filled with about 50 golden monk statues with bowed heads as if they were in prayer and meditation.  Within a blink of an eye, the room became filled with light as the monks all turned around in unison and chanted, “Om.”   At that very moment, I transformed into Shanti, the Yogini.  I had to stop myself from laughing out loud when I saw the looks on Tenzing and Momo’s faces.  It was priceless! They were scared out of their wits. I have never seen two people run away so fast.  In their haste, they even dropped their precious loot.

The monks and I laughed and laughed till tears came to our eyes.  Seemingly these tears fell onto the temple grounds as if blessing the Earth. Om Shanti.



I really can't say how I learned how to harness the magic of the Aurora Borealis/Northern Lights. My people and I call it  Aurora.

I do know that Aurora's light started communicating with me telepathically many moons ago before I lived on Planet Earth. I merely allowed myself to be creative with her magical powers.   My people have woven cloth using the Northern Lights as their source of light as long as I have been Queen of the Northern Isles. Like me, they simply accept the magical powers the cloth bestows upon its wearers as something as natural as breathing.

Some folks experience new found courage to face their fears when wearing the Aurora cloth and others may find forgiveness for the people who have hurt or abused them in the past.  Each person has their own unique experience wearing the cloth.  This has been a great tradition amongst my people to this day.  Each generation passes down the  magical, Aurora cloth to their families and loved ones.

When I became Queen of the Northern Isles, I was inspired to weave a  blue ribbon to wrap around my crown by Aurora's light.  When I wear my crown with this beautiful ribbon, I experience great wisdom and equanimity.  In fact, as Queen I always wear my crown with this magical ribbon wrapped around it.  This is my touchstone.  And it will be my successor's touchstone as well, when I have completed my reign.



I am in the middle of a metamorphosis.

Our local, evil witch, Rhiannon cast a spell on me.  She decided to turn me into a bird  just because she could and for no other reason.

At first, I hated her for doing this to me.   Why me?  I had other plans for my life.  I was fairly young, about 25 years old and never married.  I resided with my widowed mother on a farm in Ireland.

One day as I was walking along a path through the forest, Rhiannon brushed past me to get ahead of me.  I had no idea that she was even walking behind me.  As she passed by me I could hear her mumbling some witchy incantation.  It sounded like gobbledy gibberish to me; however, I did get goosebumps.  It was if someone had walked over my grave, but I wasn't dead yet.  Kind of hard to describe in words.

Several hours later as I trudged through our cow pasture, I began to feel very strange and lightheaded.  I sat down on the grass and noticed at once that feathers had replaced my arms.  What a shock to the system.  I was horrified.  This couldn't be possible.  I ran as fast as I could to our farmhouse.  Once safely inside our home, I rushed to my bedroom and mustered all the courage I had to gaze into my full length mirror.  Thank the Goddess, I still had the same face and hair.  The bird wings  and feathers were still where my shoulders, arms and hands should have been.  "What do I do now?" thoughts circled  my brain a million times.

When my mother found me in the bedroom, she screamed in  horror and gasped, "Ravenna, what has happened to you?"

At that moment, I knew what had happened to me.  "It was that witch, Rhiannon who cast one of her wicked spells on me," I replied miserably.

"We'll think of something, my poor, dear daughter.  You just have a ly-down, while your ma has a think."

Instantly, I fell asleep - talking about suggestible.  When I awoke, I felt at peace.  I looked into the mirror again and still looked the same - my familiar face and hair with wings and feathers still in the mix.  As I gazed at my metamorphosis, I saw a big smile form on my face.  Strangely enough, I wasn't worried. "Perhaps, one day I'll fly," I said aloud to myself and the invisible world around me.



I was aptly named. Deirdre means sorrowful one.  I have cried many tears over a broken heart in past incarnations; however in the life I have chosen to tell you about, I cried for the benefit of trees.

Once upon a time, long ago and far away, I was a Dryad. You may be wondering what a dryad is.  
We are magical creatures whose sole mission is to protect a tree for life.  I was a little bit different because I had twelve trees in my care.  My grove of trees was located at a very sacred site where the Goddess Artemis was said to have spent some enjoyable time as a retreat.

The trees and I had been living a healthy good life. The weather was sunny and warm since it was a summer month and we had no worries.  We often conversed about interesting things we had seen mainly humans and animals that had visited our particular site.  However, the following year found my trees very parched.  There had not been much rainfall in Winter or Spring.  The underground springs fed to us by the mountains were going dry.  This really had me worried.  I knew that I could supply tears to water my twelve trees, but because of the lack of rain throughout the seasons, I needed extra help.

Although, I knew we were on sacred ground where Artemis once roamed, I never ever called on her for help; however, things were getting very dire. One night at full moon, I called to Artemis out loud, “Artemis if you are out there, please hear my prayer.  We need some water desperately.  My trees will die if you don’t help us with some rain.”

To my great surprise Artemis replied to me somewhere from the ethers, “Deirdre, I will gather your sister dryads from around the world and they will cry tears to bring water to your trees.”  That was it, I didn’t hear anything else.

Now, you may be wondering if our tears are like salty human tears.  Of course not, we are magical beings and although we may have been human in past incarnations, we are now dryads, thank the Goddess.

I retreated to my favorite oak tree’s branches and fell fast asleep.  When I awoke, I heard the sound of singing and celebration as hundreds of dryads danced around us.  It was such music to my ears.
All of my sister dryads had adorned themselves with the leaves and moss from the trees they were in guardianship with.  It was a magical spectacle to behold!

I didn’t want to change the celebratory mood of all, but we needed to all cry for days to bring water to the underground springs and to the roots of our beloved grove.  So I instructed the dryads to think about all the things that would make them cry, the tears could be happy tears, but mostly it was sad memories that would make them cry the hardest.  And, we needed tons of tears to help our trees survive and thrive once again.  I’ll spare you the details of the grief memories that each dryad experienced in order to cry tears.

My story has a happy ending.  The tears that we all cried for three days and three nights provided enough water to restore the underground springs and revive my grove of trees.

That night as all of us dryads rested from crying and feeling all those sad memories, the trees began to sway their branches to provide a soft, comforting breeze that lulled us into a deep, sweet slumber.



I am the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter.  In my family every seventh daughter (if there was one) inherited the gift of healing and was in turn taught to perfect this gift by her mother.

My particular gift of healing was to mend broken hearts.  

I would like to share a story with you about one of my most challenging cases.

Once upon a time, a mother from a nearby island came to me seeking help for her daughter, Leona.  Apparently, Leona’s husband to be, Dante, had broken off their wedding engagement because although he loved her deeply, he was not “in love” with her.  Dante confessed that Leona felt more like a sister to him.  According to Leona’s mother, she has not seen Leona cry or show any emotion about this break-up.

 “My daughter acts like nothing is wrong,” Leona’s mother said. “ It is very strange, because when I look into her eyes,there is no light, no spark.” She added, “When I hug her, it’s like hugging an inanimate object.  Can you help her Floreana?  I am so worried about her.”

I didn’t speak for a few moments, as I closed my eyes and held Leona’s mother’s hands.  

“Yes, I can help her.  Please bring her to me in seven days,” I said.  We said our goodbyes and hugged.

On the seventh day, Leona arrived with her mother.  I asked her mother to sit outside my dwelling. I could see right away that Leona’s spirit had gone far away from earth and that we would have to bring it back.  It was easy to put Leona into a deep trance since she was already in one.

After an invocation calling on her guides, angels and spirit helpers to aid us on this journey,  I asked Leona’s Higher Self  to tell us what Leona needed to mend her broken heart.  Its answer was very clear. “ Leona needs to drink a few drops from a certain flower essence for twenaty-one days.   Floreana , you will find this flower and make the essence for Leona.  This flower ally lives on a hill nearby.  Sheneeds  to start taking it by sunrise tomorrow morning.  You will find this flower by singing this melody,” Leona’s Higher Self concluded.

Leona then started singing a little melody that was filled with lightness and happiness.  It made you want to dance.”  

After bringing Leona out of the trance, I led her to my bed where she fell asleep.  I then quickly gathered the necessary things for my journey to find the flower and make the remedy.  Bidding farewell to Leona’ mother, I told her to go inside and make herself at home.

One of the blessings of living on a tropical island is the abundance of flowers. I have used many in my flower remedies but never have I sung to them.  As I approached the hill, the tune came quickly to me as I sang it over and over like a chant.  I could actually see various flowers sway and bend towards me as if they were bending towards the light.  As I walked further and further up the hill,  a strong floral scent enveloped me and as I got closer and closer to the scent, I soon found myself in front of a flower bush with huge white petals.  As I inhaled deeply and looked into the inner parts of the flower, I noticed that its signature reminded me of the structure of a human heart.  This definitely was the flower healer for Leona.  I then asked the white flower for permission to pick its petals.  I had no sooner asked my question, when a handful of petals fell on  the ground.  All the petals I needed to make Leona’s remedy.

Luckily, the sun was still very strong in the sky, as I merrily hummed the healing flower tune and I got out my glass bowl.  I filled it with water from a spring I had passed along the way and placed the petals in the bowl, leaving it in the sun, for a few hours to do its magic.

Then I rested on the ground near the white flower bush and journeyed to talk to Leona’s soul.  Leona’s soul informed me that Leona was working out a karmic pattern with Dante.  Leona was learning how to let go of a karmic relationship so that she could be with the one that was to be her true mate.  And to also set Dante free so that he could fulfill his soul contract with another karmic relationship that was waiting for him. When I came back from journeying, several hours had flown by.  I took the flowers out of the bowl and lovingly placed them under their bush.  I placed the remaining flower essence in a bottle as I thanked the flowers for their gift.

When I arrived home, both mother and daughter were talking quietly and laughing.  It was music to my ears.  The sun was rising as Leona drank a few drops of the white flower essence.  Her eyes were filled with love.  I placed my hand over her heart and we sang the flower melody together.


The Ones Who Have Gone Before…..


Once upon a time I was a mermaid who really, really wanted to be a woman.  Although I had many human attributes already , I wanted to be a woman part of the time and be able to  do all the things that humans can do.  One of my dear friends, Anemone suggested that I consult a wise Merman, named Ocean. When I did find Ocean, he was eating one of his favorite seaweed delicacies on a nearby beach.

As I wiggled my mermaid body onto the beach, a human bystander would agree that it was very much like watching a seal maneuver its way on land.  I called out to Ocean, “Hello Ocean.”   I’m wondering if I could have a few words with you?”

“I’ll be right over,” Ocean replied with a mouthful of his delicious seaweed.  “What’s on your mind, Dulcina?” Ocean inquired.

“Well, I know that you are very wise merman,” I began timidly.  “So, I was wondering if you have any ideas as to what I can do to live as a human and a mermaid?”

After, what seemed like days Ocean replied, “You need to go to a Wise Woman, Rhiannon, a White Witch with powerful magic.  I must caution you though, if you don’t follow her instructions exactly as she tells you, you will never get your wish.”

“Do you understand me Dulcina?” he queried with a stern sound to his voice.  We mermaids are very sensitive to sound and his voice put the fear of Neptune into me.

“Yes, Ocean, I understand you.  Many thanks and blessings upon you,” I replied with as much gratitude as I could muster.

After following a lot of weird ocean currents and navigating through various inlets and islands, I found her hut on a beach on a small island.  Her hut was built from the remains of a boat that had run aground.  Who knows how many years ago.  As I gazed at her hut I noticed runes carved around the front door. I didn’t know what they meant but I guessed the runes were magical and protected her from harm of any kind.  Luckily the tide was high and her doorstep was not that far from the ocean.  I called to her from the water in my most low pitched voice.  A mermaid’s voice can sound very screechy to humans and witches as well.  I didn’t have to wait long.  The door opened and Rhiannon appeared.  She was taller than I expected with long, silver hair and sparkling eyes.  She had magic written all over her.

“What do you want with me Mermaid Dulcina? Rhiannon asked me imperiously.

“Can you help me transform into a woman? “ I asked timidly with a little voice. As my confidence grew, I explained, “ I would like to live as a woman most of the time and a mermaid now and then.”

“I can help you Dulcina.  First of all, you need to give me  a  lock of your hair.  With your hair I will cast a transforming spell.  Give me twenty-one days and then come see me for further instructions.”

I handed her a lock of my golden hair and Rhiannon said goodbye and shut the door before I could even blink an eye.

As I swam away to my home beneath the sea, I was nervous and anxious, but mostly hopeful that Rhiannon would do her magic and I would be a woman and a mermaid.  I would be able to live in two worlds.

One day, the twenty-one days of waiting was finally at an end.  I appeared at Rhiannon’s hut as promised and again it was high tide.  I gave my call from the water’s edge as before and Rhiannon appeared.  Only this time she was wearing her Witch’s cloak, which was red with golden runes written all over it.  She truly looked the part.

“Dulcina, this magic will work like this:  you will transform into a mermaid every full moon and be a mermaid for 3 more days after the full moon.  No human must know of your secret for if they find out no more of your species will ever get this privilege again.  I will pass my magical spells down to a trusted member of my sisterhood before I pass on into the next world, but hopefully that won’t be for many years to come. “

“Do you vow to never share your secret with another human? “ Rhiannon asked with very imposing authority.   She sounded very much like my merman elder, Ocean.

“I solemnly promise to never tell a single human soul”, I said with all my heart.  “Rhiannon, what I can I do to repay you for all the magic you have done for me?” I asked.

“You can tell all of your mermaid friends that should I ever need their help that I can call on them”, Rhiannon said.

“Your request is my command, consider it done,” I replied.

Fifty years (being part mermaid has its rewards) have now gone by.  And I am overjoyed to tell you that I have never looked back.  I love being a woman for most of my days and a mermaid for just a few.  I must confess that it has been a bit tricky to not get caught transforming into a mermaid, but so far so good.  

Also, I do have to admit that sometimes I do have a strong yearning to swim and just follow the currents to wherever they may take me, but then I restrain myself and wait until the full moon when I can swim like only a mermaid can.



People in my Grecian village refer to me as “the One Who Knows”.  Many villagers and seekers from around the world come to me for advice on how to be more loving in their relationships. Although, I am rarely seen in public except for sacred holidays my people know who I am. Of course that begs the question, do they really know who I am? So, Dear Reader, I will share with you a story from my life and I promise you will get to know who I really am.

I come from a long lineage of women who follow the Divine Sacred Feminine ways of being and living. The Divine Feminine is simply honoring this aspect within our selves.  Women’s roles as Sister, Mother, Aunt, Lover, Wife, Grandmother are all played out on Earth with the conscious endeavor to be Loving, compassionate, kind, and wise.  A great deal of the sacred knowledge was handed down to me from the women in my family.  When we gathered together for prayer and meditation we would meet in a cave not far from our family home.  Candles would be lit within the cave and we would gather in a circle.  My sister Rosa’s role at these circles was to ring a bell and the rest of us would use that sound as a tuning fork to chant “Om”.  I have to admit that it wasn’t until I experienced my vision of the Blessed Mary that I truly felt connected to this way of life.

 One day as I took my usual sitting position in the cave during our circle meditation, a powerful scent of roses enveloped me.  There were no rose bushes near the cave that I knew of so I wondered where this fragrance was coming from.  I looked around to see if anyone around me was also smelling roses.  The others all had their eyes closed in meditation.  I didn’t wish to disturb them so I sat there in great wonder enjoying the rose fragrance, which seemed to be getting stronger and stronger.  Soon I began to go into a trance state.  I no longer was aware of my surroundings.  A woman wearing a white robe and white veil appeared in front of me larger than life. I could hear a gentle voice that said,” Medina, my daughter, I am with you always.  If you ever need me for guidance just ask and I will be there in your consciousness.  I am Mother Mary.”

Mother Mary’s voice was the gentlest voice I had ever heard.  Her eyes were filled with so much love and compassion.  I felt enfolded in her love.  From that day on, I call upon the blessed Mother Mary for guidance.  I truly feel that she has helped me become the qualities that the Divine Feminine embodies.

After I shared my experience that day with my family, we planted roses in  honor  of Mother Mary ,near the entrance to our cave.  I am overjoyed to tell you that many others in our family have now had communications with Mother Mary.  This keeps us connected to the sacred mother within ourselves as well as the blessed being who is Mother Mary.

Dear Reader this is the end of my story, but perhaps it marks the beginning for you, as a glimpse into the sacred, which we call the Divine Feminine.


Quan Yin

My great adventure really began at our annual solstice of the Sisterhood.  That is the sisterhood of mermaids who come from many oceans and bodies of water on this Blue planet. This particular event was held in the warm waters of Baja.

As we gathered in a circle and held tails, our eldest sister, Venus spoke first as was the custom.

“Dear ones, how wonderful to see you all again and to also see some new faces as well!  I’m just going to get right down to the heart of things and skip a lot of the chit-chat that I usually start with.  I have seen into the future of this planet.  There is great wonder and beauty here; however, the planet is in trouble, which affects all of us mermaids, humans, and living things. I am asking for a volunteer to swim to the Nile river in Egypt.  I have a special message for you to deliver to the High Priest Amun Ra.   Please give this a lot of thought before you volunteer.  This journey will be fraught with much danger and will tax your body extremely.  That is all I can tell you at this time about this mission. Please meet me at sunset by our special rock of power.  I am sorry dear sisters, to start out the festivities like this, but, I want you all to still have a fun time, sharing stories and eating some wonderful seaweed delicacies that has been prepared for all of us today!”

When Venus ended her speech, a murmur, which sounded like the highest note on a violin resounded amongst the mermaids in our circle.  We were all mystified and realized that we had a lot to think about indeed.  I swam away from the group to get some clarity.  When I found a nice secluded beach, I made my way onto the shore.  As I rested against a rock, the same thought kept repeating itself, “You are the One, Selena, go.”  I tried to stop this thought, but to no avail.

At sunset, I swam to the Rock of Power.  To my surprise, the only mermaid there was Venus.  She greeted me with the hugest smile I’ve ever seen and said, “Selena, I knew you would come.  You were in my vision.”  I just kind of nodded my head as butterflies flew in my stomach.

“For your protection, Selena, I am going to write my message to Amun Ra on the back of your neck in hieroglyphics that only he will understand and that only he will see,” said Venus.  She added, “Do you have any questions?’

“Venus, I have so many questions, I can’t even think of what they all are. But for now, the most important question is how do I find Amun Ra?”

”He and I speak to each other in dreams,” she replied. ”  Amun Ra will find you, you don’t have to look for him nor do you have to know what he looks like – you will just know.”

That was all the details she gave me for my journey.  As we said our goodbyes, Venus kissed my forehead.  This was a magical blessing that empowered me and gave me tremendous courage.

My adventures to the Nile would fill several books, so to make a long story a little shorter. I did make it to my destination.  Amun Ra was indeed waiting for me on one of the Nile river banks.  It was as Venus said it would be.  I looked into Amun Ra’s eyes and knew he was the one.

Amun Ra looked ageless.  His brown face had no wrinkles and he was bald.  His eyes were the color of the deepest azure ocean that I have swum in.  His eyes held so much compassion and love.  I could have gazed into them forever.  After exchanging introductions, he asked to look at my neck.  After reading the message on my neck, which seemed to take forever, Amun Ra, said to me, “Selena, when you entered this incarnation, you chose to be a mermaid.  You also chose to be a Bodhisatva in your next life.  In fact, in your next life as a Bodhisatva you will be Quan Yin, the deity of Loving Kindness and Compassion.  You will be one of the enlightened ones that will serve this world for a very long time.”

Of course, I was shaking from the core of my being with this amazing and powerful information.  All I could do was nod my head and say, “What do I do now?”

“For now, I will give you this Ankh amulet to give to Venus. It is the symbol of Eternal Peace. She will understand its meaning and if she has any questions she knows how to contact me.”

Before Amun Ra hung the Amulet around my neck, he kissed it and chanted a blessing.

When I finally got back to Venus in Baja, she was overjoyed to see me.  I was so weary, but felt so happy in my heart.  I actually made it back.  Mission accomplished.  

As I gave Venus the amulet, she kissed it just as the High Priest had done.  And then she bowed to me.  As I swam towards home with so many thoughts and feelings swirling within me, a  very profound peace came over me as I saw images  of my future life as Quan Yin.  Tears streamed down my face as I vowed to always be compassionate to all living beings and to be blessed eternally with the water of life.

Quan Yin


I am an ancient Kahuna (a Priestess, Keeper of Secrets) who keeps my tribes' art and history alive by entering the dreams of dreamers who will be inspired by what I show them of our culture.

The following dream was dreamed by woman who remembers it as clearly as the night she first experienced the dream about 40 years ago.

In the dream, I stepped out of a canoe onto the shores of Tahiti. As I set foot  upon the sand it glimmered and shone so bright and white.  A guide was there to meet me.  He was very androgynous looking.  No words were exchanged as I followed him along the shore.

He led me to a huge cave. And as I explored the cave I saw artwork that was made of metal along the walls.  It seemed to be a history of an ancient or futuristic society.

After what seemed like an entire day or it could of been moments exploring this incredible cave, I  approached the entrance/exit once again. All of a sudden a huge wave was about to engulf me. Tiare, the Kahuna appeared to me and said in a very soft, but powerful voice, " Ask the Spirit of the wave to not break on you and let you pass."  This wave literally towered over me and the cave. With great trepidation I  followed Tiare's instructions. The wave stopped as if in slow motion and allowed me to  get safely to higher ground before it washed upon the shore.

I awoke from my dream feeling very empowered.  As I was reminded of ancient times when mortals could speak a universal language with waves and other living things, animate or inanimate.  



Perhaps you have heard of my famous sister, the Goddess Artemis. We are really half sisters.  My mother was  a mere mortal, but fortunately I inherited some magic from my father, the Greek God, Zeus.

For you see I am a Shape Shifter with a mission. Sometimes I like to roam the forests (under Artemis's domain) as a reindeer and other times I like to appear to mortals as the beautiful Goddess, Artemis.  This makes me feel rather smug because it infuriates her.  She will often say to me indignantly, "Ursula, why do you have to shape-shift into me?  You are already beautiful enough."

And I always respond, "Because,  you, dummy, (of course I'm the only one that can say this to her) you, are the famous one that has thousands of followers all over the world."

We really aren't into sibling rivalry because we basically share the same values. Although, Artemis is known as the Goddess of the Hunt, she actually protects animals from being hunted for pure sport.

One fine Spring day, a couple of brothers, Michael and Jason entered our forest.  I could tell by their scent that they were hunting for sport and cruelty.  Just as Jason, the meanest of the brothers was about to release a deadly arrow aimed  at Jupiter, my favorite stag, I stepped in front of him and shape shifted into Artemis.

Jason froze for a second and then put down his bow and arrow, exclaiming, loudly, in a state of shock to Michael, "Did you see that?"

"Yes, but how can that be?" Michael replied nervously. " We don't even believe in Artemis."

Before the brothers could even think about their next plan of action, I, while still in my  Artemis shape-shifting mode, appeared right in front of  the two men and spoke, " Jason and Michael I command you both to never hunt again for the sole reason of abusing animals for sport and cruelty.  And,  you will now think of animals as beings who serve a purpose on this Earth besides just providing you with food. You will now and for the rest of your lives, treat animals with respect and kindness."

I,then touched the brothers on their third eye and when I did all that remained of our conversation and  experience in their mind and hearts was a deep feeling of peace and kindness towards all beings on the Earth.

I am proud to report that Artemis and I are still Goddesses of the Hunt - the hunt for mortals that need to be transformed for the good of our dear planet.



Though I can tell you my name I cannot say where I am from. I was found unconscious one day by our local village priest, Father Caspian who came across me near an entrance to a cave in the Taiga Forest. The priest took me back to his monastery and cared for me. Many days passed as I drifted in and out of consciousness. During this time, I had the most amazing dream:

 In the dream, a beautiful raccoon named Sebastian with grey and black fur and the most amazing soulful eyes was talking to me telepathically and telling me that I had a great gift that I was born with. This gift was the ability to heal animals. Sebastian proceeded to tell me that all I had to do was to close my eyes and picture the sick or injured animal as well and whole again. Next I was to rub my palms together till they were very warm and then flick my hands 6 times out towards the  animal as if I was showering them with manna from heaven.  My dream raccoon also imparted to me that I could do this with the animal present or absent - it didn't matter.  The animals would heal.

 When I awoke I had no recollection of my life before that day. I shared my dream of Sebastian and animal healing with Father Caspian and asked him what his interpretation was. The priest looked me directly in the eyes and said,  "Well Catriona (he somehow knew my name) I don 't know where you came from or who you are, but lets put this dream to the test and find some animals for you to heal.”

So that was how it all started - my journey of being an animal healer.  I am now a young woman around twenty five years of age. And it has been several years since Father Caspian and I have set up our animal healing center here in his monastery in the Russian Steppes near the Taiga Forest.  At first I treated the local villagers' pet dogs and cats.  I followed Sebastian's instructions exactly as I recalled them from my dream.  And to our (me & Father Caspian, the pets and their owners) delight and relief these animals all healed quickly and thoroughly.

 After awhile people began bringing wild animals to our healing center.  The most unusual was a snow leopard who had a broken paw as a result of a fight with another leopard.  At first I wondered if it was going to be safe to treat this animal because it was so wild, but then I discovered I had the ability to make it go to sleep while I used my healing techniques as learned from my dreams and life experience.  Also, it turns out that Father Caspian was quite the animal doctor and could help mend physical injuries. Consequently we made a great team.


 I still have amnesia as to who I am and where I came from and why I was unconscious near the cave where Father Caspian first found and rescued me.  But  strangely enough, it doesn't seem to bother me now that I have found my life's calling.  And more amazingly this discovery came from guidance from a raccoon in a dream. Sebastian still comes to visit me in my dreams especially when I need animal healing advice   


The Legend of Peacekeeper Woman

Peacekeeper Woman was a wandering North American Indian.  She didn’t belong to any tribe.  Her mission was to travel to the warring tribes’ villages and make peace.  I know this because I was a daughter of one of the warring chiefs and I observed Peacekeeper enter our camp for the very first time.  She was very pale for an Indian.  To our amazement her hair was the color of straw glistening in the sun.  She wore a dream catcher amulet around her neck.  She exuded such calm and peacefulness.

Whenever Peacekeeper Woman came to a camp, word would spread before she even arrived of her arrival time. Thus, we already had a tipi set up for her to stay.

Red Eagle, my father and Running Owl were the two warring leaders of the tribes. This is how Peacekeeper did her healing with us. She prayed and smudged her dream catcher amulet  overnight and fasted as well.  The next day when she emerged she gave Red Eagle the dream catcher and told him to wear it all day and night. The next day they would talk in her tipi of the reason he was in a war with Running Owl and if he was willing to negotiate with Running Owl for peace between the tribes.

When Red Eagle entered Peacekeeper’s tipi, he said, “ Greetings, Peacekeeper.  My mind and heart feel more at peace.  I see no reason why Running Owl and I can’t share the water of the river that borders our two lands.  I was worried that it would run dry and then our people would have to travel a great distance to claim new land.  To be truthful, we are so tired.  I don’t want to live in fear or war anymore.”

“You have come a long ways in your decision for peace and freedom of fear,” said Peacekeeper with a smile as wide as a river. “ I applaud you,” she added.  War is such a waste of time and claims so many of our brothers’ and sisters’ lives.”  Peacekeeper Woman, held out her hand, “Red Eagle, please give me my dream catcher.   It has done its work here and trapped all of your dark thoughts and feelings.”

“Thank you Peacekeeper Woman, “ said Red Eagle.  I suppose you are now on your way to Running Owl’s camp to work your medicine.”

“Yes, Red Eagle it is time to move on toward our brother, Running Owl’s camp.  When you see the smoke signal from his lands that will be your sign to meet at the River.” And with those words, Peacekeeper was gone.

As Peacekeeper Woman rode into Running Owl’s camp, the sun was setting. As all the tribe watched her ride into their camp, they could feel her Peace Medicine enter their spirits. A wind blew through the camp, soft as bird feathers across their face.  Surely this must be a sign from the Great Spirit that all would be well.

Running Owl’s son, came to greet her and show her the way into her lodgings.  Just as she had done in Red Eagle’s camp, Peacekeeper Woman repeated her healing medicine with the dream catcher.  

The next day when Running Owl appeared at her tipi, it was a very different experience than her experience with Red Eagle.  Running Owl held so much anger in his spirit.  The steam from his anger was coming out of the pores of his skin.  Peacekeeper Woman greeted the chief and asked him to sit.  

“No thank you Peacekeeper Woman,” the chief said with hostility.  “ I’d rather stand”.  So there stood Running Owl, standing above her with arms folded in the defense stance.

  Peacekeeper Woman said a silent prayer to the Great Mother asking for her help with this angry leader.  To Running Owl’s amazement, Peacekeeper started singing an old Indian lullaby that he use to hear his mother sing to him after one of his many nightmares as a young buck. As Peacekeeper sang the soothing melody, she made motions as if she was rocking an infant to sleep. In a short time, Peacekeeper stopped singing because she noticed Running Owl had fallen asleep.

Peacekeeper also became aware of Running Owl’s mother who was in spirit.  His mother, Spotted Fawn smiled at Peacekeeper as she whispered words in Running Owl’s ear that only he could hear.  After quite a long while, Running Owl awoke.  He looked into Peacekeeper Woman’s eyes and said, “ I am ready to make my Peace with Red Eagle. He added,” Forgive me Peacekeeper Woman.”

“You are forgiven, Running Owl.  Please have your people send some smoke signals to Red Eagle indicating we will meet him at the River today.”

When Running Owl and Red Eagle and Peacekeeper met at the River, they all sat on the ground near the River and smoked the Peace Pipe.  Words were not necessary as they all felt Life Was Good.  

Hanto Yo.

Peacekeeper Woman

Bluesette, the Blue Fairy

Once upon a time there was a blue fairy called Bluesette.  Her magic was to grant wishes to beings who had a blue aura.  As she drifted in and out of various dimensions here on Earth and other worlds, one day she came upon a woman named Lucinda.   Lucinda had a blue aura, the likes she had never seen before.  Her body was covered and surrounded by so many shades of blue that it made her feel intoxicated.   Turquoise, sapphire, azurite shimmered all around her.  Bluesette could actually hear the peaceful and calming strains of harp glissandos wafting through the colors that surrounded Lucinda.

Lucinda who was just sitting quietly in her  garden looked up from her reverie and was happy to see Bluesette.  She smiled and said, “Hello, Blue Fairy.”  Thank you for coming today.  I see many fairies in this garden, but this is the first time I have seen a blue fairy.”

“This is a first time for me today as well.  I have never seen such a beautiful aura  as yours,” exclaimed Bluesette.

“What can I do for you Blue Fairy?” asked Lucinda very sweetly.

“I was going to go ask you the same question,” said Bluesette.  My magic allows me to grant wishes to all beings with blue auras.  That is why I am here today in your garden, she added.

“I don’t need anything, but I do have the power to help heal you,” said Lucinda.

“Oh you do?  Let me give this a long think, “said the Bluesette excitedly. “No one has ever made such a kind offer to me, let alone a human.”  

With a whir of wings, Bluesette flew off into another dimension where she felt more herself and could think her fairy thoughts undisturbed.  “What do I really need,” she kept asking aloud.

After about five minutes (which is a long time for a fairy) she decided that she just wanted to be in Lucinda’s presence – in her aura for an entire human day.

When Bluesette returned to Lucinda’s garden, Lucinda was watering her flowers and humming to herself.  The melody took Bluesette on a journey of such contentment and peace that she had never felt before.

“Lucinda, it would be very healing for me to just be with you all day as you go about your routine,” said Bluesette.

“Of course you are very welcome to be with me today and if that is healing all the better,” replied Lucinda.

After watering the garden, Lucinda played her harp, which was near a bench in the garden.  The sounds were even  more magical and healing than the glissandos she had  heard earlier.  Bluesette felt relaxation soothe away her fairy woes all the way out her wings. As the blue fairy continued to enjoy the soothing sounds of the harp, she also felt bathed in Lucinda’s blue aura.  Lucinda’s aura was still shimmering  all the  same magical shades of blue it was doing earlier. In fact the day went by so quickly that blue fairy truly felt in her element.  

“ Many blessings upon you,” Bluesette said with great humbleness. ” You have given me one of the best days of my life.  And what a surprise for me to be granted a wish by a human.”

“You are very welcome, Blue Fairy.   Please stop by any time.  I  am very happy  to help heal a fairy and especially to offer the unexpected.”  

So that Dear Reader is how a blue fairy and a human spent a healing day together.

Bluesette The Blue fairy

Moon Feather

Dear Reader,

Allow me to introduce myself,  I am Ting Liu.  It is my honor to share an experience with you that I had with Moon Feather, the Music Healer who lived during the times of Confucius.

As is so much the way with tragedy, it's always unexpected.

One day I had a beautiful family - a mother, father and siblings and the next day there was an earthquake.  It cruelly swallowed up my home and family.  I was the sole survivor of this devastating earthquake in my little Chinese province.

A year went by and I was still homeless.  My daily routine was to beg for food in the nearby towns and monasteries.  I got by from the charity of acquaintances and strangers.  Many of them shared what little food they had with me.

One day as I wandered the countryside aimlessly, I heard the most incredible music.  It sounded like heavenly harps played by angels.  I followed this enchanting sound to an outdoor amphi-theatre.  As I looked around me, I observed people of all class systems, rich and poor as they listened to the musician/healer, Moon Feather.  Some of these people were moved to cry and others smiled as they swayed their bodies in unison with Moon Feather's healing sounds.

As I sat down and immersed myself in the music, I found myself going deeper and deeper into myself.  It seemed like Moon Feather was playing her music only for me.  It was as if she was painting a portrait of  my very soul - only with music.

When the concert ended, I was a healed man at peace with myself. Many members of the audience including myself stood in line to thank Moon Feather.  When my turn came, I bowed my head in reverence as I expressed my gratitude to this amazing person.

Moon Feather simply smiled and placed her hands over mine.  It felt like the soft feathers of angel wings caressing my soul.

Moon Feather


A Mermaid's Tale

One day just at dusk, my favorite time of day, I had just emerged from the seat to sit on my favorite beach at Isla de Isabella in South America.  We mermaids love to contemplate life at sunset because we feel safer from humans discovering us and it's such a sacred time.

Well, just when I thought I was alone, a Scarlet Macaw swooped down from the skies and landed on a big boulder, which happened to be right next to where I was sitting.  My tribe of mermaids are able to communicate with most beings.  Consequently, when the Macaw started speaking to me, he was amazed that I could understand him and speak his language.

The Macaw introduced himself as Mac, an easy short version of his real name.  We became fast friends.  Mac truly led an amazing and adventurous life.  It turns out that he hung out with a powerful shaman in the wild jungles of the Amazon.  Mac would fly around the jungles searching for and gathering healing herbs and magic mushrooms for the shaman.  It was during one his flights that he discovered a magic mushroom that could literally turn a creature into a smaller version of themselves.

This discovery enabled Mac to take me with him on many journeys around the world.  I was able to weave a small basket made of kelp, which I attached to Mac's feet.  Then I would take the magic mushrooms and transform into a tiny mermaid.  This allowed me to become light as a feather as I glimpsed the world from a kelp basket - "a bird's eye view" as humans say.

As a gesture of Mac and I being kindred spirits, he gave me a couple of his feathers, which I bring with us in our travels as a talisman for safe travels.

Whether you are a mermaid or human being, I hope with all my heart that my tale will inspire you to travel.  For as we mermaids  like to remind ourselves and others, "where there is a will there is a way."  

Of course, a little magic always helps!



My grandmother was the controversial Medium and co-founder of the Theosophical Society, Helena Blavatsky.  I never knew my grandmother.  In fact my mother never ever talked of my grandmother to me.  Only one time when I was seven years old, I begged her to please tell me something about my grandmother. With no emotion, she replied with “Grandmama is dead.  She died giving birth to me.”  After that little bit of information, Mother never divulged another thing about  Grandmama.

 As fate would have her way, I finally met Grandmama when I was fifteen years old. I met her in a most unusual way.  Since she had already passed away many years ago, she appeared in my dreams.

 When Grandmama came to me in my dreams, it was as though she was my teacher. She acted very authoritative and spoke in a loud voice with a Russian accent.  Grandmama proceeded to tell me all about spirituality and the occult, which included clairvoyance, telepathy, the tarot, etc. Each dream was a continuation of a previous lesson.  Consequently, in my daily life, I would practice what I had learned from dream lessons with grandmother.

 One day, as if by magic, I found a deck of tarot cards in our attic.  Daily, I would study a new card in the deck and begin to study all the symbols depicted there.  After studying and becoming familiar with each card in my tarot deck, I started giving readings to my friends.  It turns out that I must have inherited some of my grandmother’s psychic gifts.  Very quickly word spread throughout my social circle that my readings were uncannily accurate.  Also, I must add that Grandmama often attended my readings. I was a little intimidated at first, but as time went on, it was very comforting and encouraging to have Grandmama there in spirit with me. Later that evening she would appear in my dream giving me further information and advice to improve my tarot reading skills.

 I am now middle-aged and Grandmama no longer appears in my dreams; however I still continue to read tarot cards.  My favorite place to read cards for people is a book shop in London called the Cheshire Cat. I have a private little room adjoining the shop for this very purpose. My way of reading the tarot is very unique.  My clients usually want to know what is going to happen in their future.  So after they are done shuffling the deck, I shuffle and talk to the deck telepathically and tell it to show us clearly the path that will be the happiest future for my client.  And voila, the cards for positive future possibilities will appear in the layout.

 Now you might think this style of reading the cards is cheating, but from my experience in giving thousands of readings,  my clients will often focus on the negative outcomes and even manifest it for their future.   Thus, I remind my clients that the future is always subject to change and emphasize that they are the creators for the script of their own lives.

 So if you have a hankering to know what’s in your future, come see me at the Cheshire Cat and together we will explore your potential paths.



I am a figurehead on the ship, Emerald Breeze.

My creator was the master ship builder, Nicodemus.  He was of African descent and he was also the Grandfather of my Captain Ezekiel.  We called him Zeek for short.

Through Nicodemus's veins flowed strong magic.  Some folks called it a gift from the gods and others were just plain scared of him and wondered  if he was the devil.  There was an intensity about him that they just couldn't figure out; however, everyone agreed that he was a master builder of ships and anything he carved from wood seemed alive and was a thing of spectacular beauty.

One night Nicodemus sat in his workshop in a shipyard in England.  The Emerald Breeze was finished and would soon be able to take its maiden voyage, but there seemed to be one more thing he needed to do. Nicodemus said a prayer to his tribal gods as he touched the bow of the Emerald Breeze.  Soon he started carving like a man possessed.  Well, to make a long story short, he created me, Esmeralda.  Only I wasn't any ordinary Figurehead.  I was imbued with magical powers.  As you will find out.  So let's get back to Captain Ezekiel.  He became somewhat of a legend. He had once been an African slave aboard the Emerald Breeze; however he managed to take over the ship along with his fellow slaves. His destiny was to become a pirate of East India ships.  He and his crew would seize this most powerful company's ships and free the slaves.

You are probably wondering what does Esmeralda have to do with all of this.  First of all, unbeknownst to Captain Zeek, I was entering his mind (of course, I was the brains) and telling him what routes to take and when to seize the slave ships. I also would enlist creatures with magical powers to help us. Creatures like, Ollie, the octopus that you can see on my mermaid's tail. Ollie would wrap his very tenacious tentacles around the unsuspecting slave ships' crew as they would board their ship, usually at night.  He would then take them to his favorite water haunts beneath the sea and eat them for supper - boy were they delectable!

I have had so many adventures on the high seas.  It is so rewarding to free slaves and to give that East India Company a run for their money!  Who would have ever thunk it.  A figurehead on the Emerald Breeze with the looks of a mermaid, wrecking such holy havoc on the most powerful company in the world!



I chose to come to this Earth as the Dryad of a maple tree named May, who once gave me so much support.  Because you see I was a Marigold flower in my last life.  May, the Maple tree who is about three hundred years, which is relatively young for a tree, would provide me with  shade in the summer months and protection from the elements in the winter.  She also would talk to me telepathically to cheer me up if I was depressed or fearful.  She and I are such wonderful buddies!

As May's Dryad I am dedicated and honored to protect her.  Now this protection I offer can be from storms, fires, people, insects and even animals.  I am able to use my magical powers to put up an energy field all around May and even into the ground.  This energy field protects May from everything of this Earth and  beyond.

The feathers you see on my headdress were created  by our bird friends.  This was gifted to me in honor of my first year as May's Dryad.   Today, all the birds in our domain are celebrating me and  especially May, who has generously allowed generations of birds to build their nests and roost for the night on her branches.

As a part of these festivities, the hummingbirds are putting on an air show.   May and I really look forward to their brilliant colors and acrobatics!

It feels so good to be with my dear friend, May again.



My family named me after our tree, Sequoia.  Because you see, we are forest dwellers, since even before time began on this planet. Our people were star-seeded by beings from the Pleiades.  Our history and destiny have been embedded in the crystals that I wear in my earrings.  The seed pods that I also wear are from Sequoia. Each family member of my tribe have gathered seed pods from the trees they have grown up with.  Our trees are considered family.

Sadly, a season of  unrelenting drought has caused us to leave our beloved forest and seek a new place to dwell and plant seeds for a new forest.

As I hugged my tree for the last time, he spoke to me telepathically, "My child, I have known you since you were born. Take these seeds of my being and plant them in a place that will be sustainable for a long life for the trees as well your tribe. "And my child," Sequoia added with emphasis, "Listen to the crystals, they will guide you to the right place at the right time."

As our tribe began our journey out of the forest and away from our family of trees, I never looked back.   The crystals were commanding my attention to the immediate Now and the Future by speaking to me in pictures - showing me fertile earth with a balanced season of rainfall.  A place which was near a vast  ocean filled with sustainable food. A place where we could fulfill our Pleiadian destiny.  And equally important,  a place where our seed pods would get all that they needed to grow into trees and reach for the stars.



My Fairy Godmother, Amandine has been protecting and guiding me since birth. Since I am a princess and soon to be Queen of my land, Amandine makes sure that I get important, secret messages from her.  Magical butterflies are her messengers. She writes on their wings with fairy dust and these words are visible only to me.

 My very own secret garden was designed especially for me by the Master Gardener, Jerome.  It is now late Spring and our glorious Jasmine bush is in full bloom with the most heavenly scent.  I am sitting here dreaming of my future with my soon to be husband, Rupert.  I love him so much and I know he loves me, but yet there seems to be a shadow upon our future together.  I am not sure why I would feel these feelings of trepidation…but…I feel them nonetheless.

I had no sooner thought of Amandine when her butterflies appeared like a fluttering rainbow of color and motion.  One large monarch butterfly hovered so close to me that I could read the magic writing on his wings.

I feel a bit shaky as I read her message.  It reads, “Dearest Goddaughter, you are in mortal danger.  Rupert’s mother, Queen Alicia is plotting to kill you.  She does not want her son to ever marry, for she wants him all to herself. So heed this warning my dearest.  Tonight is the banquet in honor of your betrothal to Rupert.  Queen Alicia plans to put poison into your wine goblet; but never fear, your Royal herbalist, Veronique will have the antidote for this poison waiting for you at the dispensary.  I have placed that magic powder for you in the bottle used for headache remedies without Veronique’s knowledge.  She will think that you have a headache.  So please go there at once and take the remedy right away.  There will be enough time from now until you start imbibing wine at the banquet for it to protect you from any of the poison’s intended harm.”

 Thanks to my Fairy Godmother, everything went well and I didn’t die.  Rupert and I had a great celebration, but I couldn’t help but notice that Queen Alicia seemed to be seething with anger whenever she looked at me.  I knew that although Amandine saved me from my soon to be mother-in-law’s fatal plot, we still had work to do.  Queen Alicia didn’t appear to be a woman that would give up very easily especially where her precious son was involved.

 The day after the banquet, I sent a message to Amandine requesting my need to talk to her in person immediately.  In the blink of an eye, she appeared in all her magnificence, in my bedroom suite. Amandine was so beautiful with her long golden hair that twinkled in the sunlight.  She wore a long gossamer silver colored gown that the silkworms had woven for her.  In her hands she carried her magic wand.

She greeted me in her voice that sounded like tinkling bells, “Hello my dear daughter.  What wish can I grant for you?”

“Oh, Amandine, I am so grateful for you to come here now. I fear that Queen Alicia is still plotting to kill me.  What can we do to make her leave me alone and forget about all this evil conniving to have her son all to herself?”

“It just so happens that I have a plan that will make Queen Alicia forget her evil plots forever, Amandine said with a twinkle in her eye.”

“Please, please tell me what it is,” I begged.

“All you need to know now, Zephyra is that her remedy is one that she will be taking every day until she dies and she will absolutely forget about trying to kill you for she will finally be happy within herself.

Right after Amandine shared her rescue plans with me, she vanished in a mist of soft violet light.

  After a week had gone by, I began to notice great changes in the Queen.  She seemed to be genuinely happy.  We actually had some heart to heart chats and laughs together.  Alicia confided in me that she had found a new physician to help cure her melancholy.  As it turns out this new physician is a woman and has concocted the most amazing elixir for her that she drinks daily.

According to the Queen, she feels happier than she ever has felt in her life. " Nothing or no one irritates" her anymore.

 I smiled smugly to myself and whispered to the ethers, “I love you Amandine.”



I am the Oracle for the Sisterhood of the Starfish Clan of Mermaids. Each summer during very low tides at the Java Islets not far from Saturna Island,  members of the Starfish clan come seeking my advice on their destiny and soul purpose.

This year there is a new leader of our Starfish Clan  and her name is Selena. I am very curious to meet her and see if I can help her in any way.

  So when the day finally arrived, Selena sang the Starfish Clan's song from the shore announcing their arrival.

I replied by blowing on a conch shell from my throne of shells in my makeshift tent of cedar boughs.  As was the custom, Selena, the new leader came by herself to my dwelling.  My servants already had the juniper incense burning all around the tent for purification and to fine tune everyone's senses.

Selena was very regal and beautiful.  Her hair was the color of the sea with its many hues of aquamarine.  Before Selena spoke she placed the most incredible abalone  shell at my feet .  It was so huge  and magically sparkling iridescent hues of blue at me. This was the custom of our Sisterhood to place an offering of some kind that was related to the sea and as a gift to me for providing them with wisdom and advice from the cosmos.

"Osheena, I am honored to meet you," began Selena.  I am come here today to seek your counsel on when the most auspicious time would be to hold our gathering of the many clans in the Hawaiian Islands."

As I closed my eyes, visions began to appear of a sliver of a moon in the sky and a Lion looking very regal and having fun at the same time.  I shared this vision with Selena.

"Does this mean that at the next new moon in Leo that we should hold this gathering of the clans?" asked Selena.

I nodded yes in response and touched the starfish in my headdress signaling this was the end of her oracle time with me.  Selena then bowed, murmured her thanks and dove into the water.  As I watched her from the shore, I could see her surfacing occasionally as the sun bounced off her hair creating magical rainbows everywhere.
