Copyright © 2019 All rights reserved. Souls Sister Spirit Dolls.

Arisa Houston



Soon it will be the birthday celebration of my beloved friend, Great Grandfather Cedar.  I have been his guardian Dryad since he sprouted up out of the soil a Thousand Years ago.  Can you believe it?   I have to pinch myself to believe that this is true. Great Grandfather Cedar is one of the oldest living trees on this Earth.

One of the qualities that we Dryads have, is a mixed bag of magical, eclectic abilities. And, because I am the Queen of Dryads on this planet, I have the ability to put a protective energy field around my Cedar tree and, indeed, the entire forest. Very few people have wandered into our magical forest; however those few that have, leave the forest, with no memory of its whereabouts.  This is one of the reasons that Great Grandfather Cedar has lived so long.  Another reason he has lived so long is that he made an oath to the Council of Elder Dryads when he was a young cedar.  His promise  was to live a long time in order to help the planet by  providing more oxygen and a huge list of other things that trees do to help this planet just by being a tree. The Elders then decided to appoint me as his Dryad for his long life as well as other Dryads, if needed.

So that you now have glimpsed a little bit of our history, let me tell you of the  fun festivities and preparation for Great Grandfather Cedar's birthday party.  The dress that I am wearing was made from silkworms  and woven by Fairies and Elementals into silk yarn and thus, creating my amazing dress. They incorporated gorgeous, fall colors in honor of Great Grandfather's birthday on October 7th.

One of our esteemed guests, Storyteller Raven, who is a relatively young, feathered friend of Great Grandfather's will be attending the party.  He's been coming to visit us once a year telling us news of the world for the last 50 years or so. Storyteller has told me that as a surprise for Great Grandfather, he has gathered his most melodious buddies together to  practice a special song singing bird calls that are quite unusual.  I am sure that Great Grandfather will deeply love their music and I know I will too!

Elves  have been gathering flowers for days now to decorate Great Grandfather's branches as well as the ground around the base of his enormous trunk.  The squirrels in our forest have gathered an abundance of nuts and tree cones for those who wish to feast on nature's bounty.   Of course, we all need a little sweetness in our lives.  So, the bees have been making honey for all of us as well.

Although, they are such shy creatures, our local Hobbits will be joining in the festivities in a very grand, explosive way.  They will be providing, safe fireworks and of course, lots of good food. As we all know, the Hobbits love to eat.

Our celebrations will be going on for seven days and seven nights.  Don't be surprised if you witness shooting stars, comets or the Northern Lights.  The cosmos has been invited to Great Grandfather Cedar's Thousandth Birthday Party too.




I am a tree guardian spirit who makes sure that all the trees in my domain are safe from harm – mainly ensuring that humans don’t cut down any of my trees.  I’ve been watching over these trees for hundreds of years.  My trees are Maple, Cedar and Oak.  And, they are my ancient friends.

One day an owl flew on to my shoulder and started talking to me.  The owl called himself Mercury.  Well, Mercury had a lot to say and told me that I was ready to be his student.  

Our first lesson began when Mercury told me that he heard word that a couple of humans were planning on cutting down some of my beautiful Redwood cedars.  He then proceeded to teach me how to create a force field of energy around the trees so that no one could get through.

Well one day when two men approached our sacred grove I observed that when they tried to get through the force field it was like walking into an invisible electric fence.  They actually got shocked at the periphery of the energy field.  I stifled a giggle as I watched.   It was rather comical how they contorted their bodies and let out shocked screams as they ran back to wherever they came from as fast as their little legs could take them.

Now the next day was a different scenario.  This time they were very determined to get through the invisible fence.  Two of the men were shocked as they had been the day before. However, on this day they brought another man and he was able to get through the fence.  As I continued to watch in amazement the third man wandered amongst the trees with a very conniving and determined look in his eyes.  This really disturbed me.  It was time to consult with Mercury and learn some more tactics to guard and protect my friends the trees.  That night, as my owl teacher perched on my shoulder at our appointed time for this crucial lesson; he showed me how to create a hypnotizing fog around any perpetrator.  This excited me as I knew it would work its magic on all three of these humans.

When the three men appeared on the third day, they were armed with all their tools and axes to get down to business and start cutting down the trees.  I heard from Mercury that they were only doing this for profit.  This caused me a lot of grief because I knew that one day humankind would drastically need the oxygen that my friends the trees exude. Amazingly all three men    were able to get through the invisible  fence.  As they started walking through the forest I was able with Mercury’s aid to create fog all around them.  It was so thick that they couldn’t even see anything but fog above, below and to each side.  Yup, they were surrounded by wondrous fog.  Now, this wasn’t just any old fog.  It was the fog of forgetfulness.  It had our humans wandering around as if they were drunk, but it did get them back home.  And when they arrived home and were asked by their friends and family how the tree cutting went, well…they didn’t have a clue as to what everyone was asking them about.  They just shook their heads as they replied in unison, “What trees?”

I am still learning many lessons from Mercury as he continues to teach and help me become a better guardian for my trees, which really don’t belong to me, but to Mother Earth.



Once upon a time I was a Mermaid.  It all seems like it was another lifetime ago when my sister, Scarlett, you may have read her story, introduced me to Mac, the Scarlet Macaw.  We became good friends, though we weren't as close as he was with Scarlett.  No matter.  Mac would fly me to many exotic locales, where I too glimpsed the world below us from the safety of a kelp basket that mac would clutch in his claws.


One day on a journey through the British Isles, I begged him to just drop me off for the day at a dazzling, emerald green lake that I had spotted from my aerial perch. There were plenty of boulders in and around the water to make this spot ideal to swim in and be protected from any human encounter.  Mac was a bit reluctant to leave me for an entire day.  Sometimes he was a bit too fatherly; however, I convinced him that I couldn't get into any trouble since I was so small (you may recall that Scarlett took magic mushrooms to make her very tiny, well, so did I) and the lake seemed very remote.  As I swam around the lake thinking I was totally alone, I spotted a lone human along the shoreline.  He looked very masculine in spite of his long beautiful golden hair and long robe. This man was so interesting that I decided to swim as close as I could to the shore to get a closer look.

He seemed to be deep in thought as he sat beneath an incredible, ancient oak tree. I have to admit that he was so fascinating to observe that I spent the entire day watching him as he meditated underneath that beautiful oak tree.  Fortunately, he left before Mac appeared to swoop me back up into the air and back towards Isla de Isabella.


After that magical day, Mac took me to that Emerald Lake often where I watched that same man who always sat under the oak tree. I couldn't help myself - it was Love at first sight.  Thus, I needed the Macaw's advice and help.  How could I ever be romantically involved with a human?  Although Mac was very wise, he is just a bird, so he decided to ask for the advice of his wise shaman, Kali.  Kali used many rare herbs, flowers and mushrooms in her shamanic work. Consequently, she gave Mac a very powerful magic potion to give to me though it came with a strong caution. This potion was so rare and truly amazing because whoever drank it would undergo a metamorphosis that would last their entire lifetime.  When Mac found me on the beach he asked me  if I was totally sure about taking Kali’s potion because once I had drank of the potion I could never turn back into a mermaid.  Never!  I realized that in my heart this was my most cherished wish - to become a human and to be the mate of the man under the oak tree by Emerald Lake.


To make a long story short, I made it back to my chosen man in the British Isles.

He turned out to be a Druid priest, who was called Alderan. It was also love at first sight for him when he first encountered me by Emerald Lake.  Alderan and and I led a very mystical life communing with nature and following Ley lines.  These Ley lines led us to natural stone circles where we, and our fellow druids, communed with beings from other galaxies and dimensions.


In my wildest dreams, I never would have imagined that a little Mermaid from South America could transform into a human and find the man she loved.   To this day, I wear one of Mac's red feathers in my hair as a reminder that Fairy Tales do Come True.



My mother, Estrella and I made it safely from the Yucatan Peninsula.

You may have already read my mother's story about our decision to leave our Mayan people and if you haven't it's really an adventurous story.  And I like adventure so I am biased.

Anyway, here we are in North America.  Estrella's dreams have led us to a coastal village of Native Americans.  They call themselves the Kingfisher clan. We look so different from them - our skin is very coppery and the markings on our faces are there for life. The Mayan artists that drew  our face markings conveyed the story of the origins of our people who came from the stars.

The North American natives are such kind and gentle people.  I must have a special gift for languages because I am learning their language so quickly, but I must admit, it's a little bit embarrassing to try out new words and then have people laugh at you. I think I understand their language better than I can speak it, but at least I can help interpret  for my mother.  She's rather hopeless at languages; however her healing work with dreams is now becoming highly sought after by many other surrounding tribes.

Guess what?  I've made a new friend.  His name is Shining Blue Jay on account of he's always collecting shiny things such as rocks and glass beads.  I call him Blue for short.  Blue is also around the same age as me - I'm twelve years old and he's thirteen.  As luck would have it, he loves adventures as much as I do.

One day we decided to ride our ponies to the "haunted forest". This was a nearby forest that many of the tribe believed was haunted by an evil shaman who was dead and once lived in this very forest.  So as we entered the forest, we both began to get scared.  Blue Jay spoke aloud his fear, " Maya can you feel the dark magic too?"

"Oh yeah, Blue," I responded.  I've got goose bumps to prove it."

"I do too - look at mine!"

As we rode further into the forest, our horses suddenly started whinnying and refused to go forward.  As we looked around us all we could see was a gray-like fog and  the sounds of a man chanting - it was actually the Death Chant.  The Death Chant was only used by a shaman to cause someone to die.  Well as you can imagine, we coaxed and pleaded and then commanded our horses to move and turn around and get the hell out of this haunted forest.

Blue and I rode our horses like the wind.  And when we finally got home, we just looked at each other and started laughing hysterically.  When we stopped laughing I asked Blue, "When do we go back?"  Well, of course that tickled our funny bone again and we laughed until we cried.

Shining Blue Jay  and I have had many more adventures since that Haunted Forest episode.  So I will leave you now with this Native American prayer:

"I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way."



I am a mermaid from the Island of Sark, thus my namesake.  Sark is a beautiful island in the Channel Islands just off the coast of Normandy, France.

Since I am a bit of a gypsy loving to swim in oceans all over the world I have a very wonderful traveling companion who just happens to be an octopus.  Her name is Olivia.  I call her Liv.  She's helps protect us against predators by shooting out jets of a dark ink- like substance that surrounds us.  We become kind of invisible and are gone in a flash losing our enemies immediately.

The shell that you see, which likes adornment is actually my wind harp.  Her name is Aria. Often when Liv and I are resting from our travels I will climb upon the rocks (on a windy day) and allow the wind to make the most beautiful music as it blows through the nooks and crannies of Aria.

Well, it's time to get going to our next destination: the lovely islands of Tahiti here we come!



We were approaching the End Times that our seers had predicted over a century ago.

My people the Mayans were known as the "Time Keepers".  Since we were descendants from Star People, we bring that knowledge to Earth to understand and predict cycles of mankind, the seasons, cataclysms, eclipses, famines, war and times of peace and plenty.

I have been a shaman in my remote village on the Yucatan Peninsula.  I practice the medicine of healing people through dreams.  I am very much in demand by the people who live in larger communities, thus I travel quite a lot. The high priest, Votan who resides  in one of our pyramid temples has built a dream chamber for me to practice my dream medicine.

In the dream temple, I first administer an herbal elixir for the dreamer to drink.  When they fall into a deep sleep, I enter a meditative state as I sit cross-legged beside their bed.  Since I have been practicing this way of healing for many moons now, it is usually quite easy for me to enter the dreamer's dream. They will usually see me as a guide in whatever form that makes them feel safe, for example I might appear as their mother or father or dear friend.  Then the dreamer will also hear me say words that will help them.  Because I am in a trance myself I usually don't know ahead of time what those words will be.
As soon as the dreamer awakens I touch them on their third eye and they then magically recall their healing dream and are at peace again with their world.

Votan, the High Priest has called upon me to visit him in his holy temple.  As I entered his sacred, pyramid temple I could feel vibrations of fear and unrest.

As I sat in the inner sanctuary surrounded by ferns and mystical statues, I quieted my mind with a peace mantra.  After a minute or eternity, I lost track of time, Votan spoke, " Dear Estrella your healing vibrations are bringing me such peace now."  I looked into his eyes as he sat down on the mossy rock beside me.

"What is going on?" I asked.

"The time we have always dreaded and perhaps some of us have looked forward to is nearly upon us," Votan said softly.

"Do you mean the time travelers are soon going to be here to take us back to our origins?"

"Yes, Estrella that is correct," Votan answered and added, "however, there is still time for you to travel North and be safe.  And of course take your child, Maya with you."

"I will find the answer in my dream tonight, but what about you Votan, what will you do?"

"It is my destiny to go with the Star People.  Very, very few of us Mayans know the exact date of our departure and of course there are very few of us that will be chosen to travel with the Star People."

As we said our goodbyes, Votan handed me a beautiful amulet made of a blue healing stone with silver feathers.  He told me this gift magical and would keep my daughter and I safe on our journey North.

My dreams that night  contained the very clear message to travel North and to go by water.

My young daughter of twelve years, Maya and I are now traveling North by boat  and hopefully to a tribe of kind, accepting people.  It is my good fortune that I know how to navigate by the stars - I was named aptly.  My dreams are strong and Maya loves a good adventure.  Strangely enough I am not sad.  My dreams have told me that my Mayan people will disappear and that their disappearance will always remain a great mystery except to me.


Heddy Hattrick

Time Traveler Detective & Counselor for Matters of the Heart

If truth be told this business of Time Traveling all started with my Great Grandmother Lucretia.  Who knows how she learned this fine art; however, my dear Auntie Cleo is an absolute wizard when it comes to time travel. She has taught me all I know and we have even gone together on forays into the future for lessons and tutorials.  I choose to only go ten years into the future when I do my detective work.  I'm a rather cautious time traveler.  It sounds silly doesn't it... in my line of work, but I know myself fairly well and I'm not ready for the shock of how this world can change into one that I couldn't adjust to.

Now you are probably wondering what kind of work I actually do that involves Time Travel.  Well, to begin with I live in Victorian times and since I am a romantic at heart, I love to help brides make the proper decision in choosing the mate of their soul. So, what I do is read about these high society brides to be (they're the only ones that can afford my services) in the newspapers and then drop in on the brides with my calling card, announcing myself as a Counselor in Matters of the Heart.  

I don't mention the bit about me being a Time Traveler for fear they would take me off to the Loony Bin.  And Loony Bin's in these times are utterly wretched places.

To give you an example of one of my cases, let me share with you the story of  the Bride to Be, Miriam Lennox. Now, Miriam was the youngest daughter of a wealthy tea plantation owner who lived in London.  She was engaged to Guy Hamilton an up and coming solicitor and son of a magistrate.  When I arrived at her doorstep and gave her butler my calling card.  He took my card with a blank look and returned saying his mistress didn't know me.  I asked him if she would just give me a minute of her time it would be one of the best things she could ever do for herself.  As I waited in the hallway, I began to wonder if I could even convince her of my valuable service.

Well in about 15 minutes - my watch keeps accurate time, here comes the bride, Miriam. "Do I know you Miss Hattrick?" she inquired of me in a friendly manner.

"No you don't, but I am in the business of foretelling futures for brides so that they can be assured of happiness in there marriage." After a few minutes of silence as Miriam spoke decidedly, "Come this way please." I soon found myself in huge library with an inviting warmth coming from the fireplace. As we sat in front of the fire I began, " What I do is look into my crystal ball in my own home to see if you are happy 10 years from now as the wife of Guy Hamilton."  I do this when the moon is full since my clairvoyant abilities are heightened at this time.  I then come back to you and report what I see using as many relevant details as I can."

"How do I know what you see will be accurate?" Miriam asked.

" Life has no guarantees; however I assure you that I come from a long

line of very psychic women.  Have you heard of Cleo Hattrick?"

"Of Course, many of my women friends and family have seen her in the past.  She's amazingly accurate."

"Well, she's my Aunt and I have inherited my gifts from her and she is my teacher as well."

"So, Miss Lennox,  do you want to know if you'll be happy after 10 years

of marriage to Mr Hamilton?"

Oh, yes, please, I'm dying to find out.  I don't know if I'm even in love with him since this is an arranged marriage and I don't even know him well."

"Great then,” I said with enthusiasm. "I'll see you in seven days."

I tried to leave with dignity since I just wanted to jump for joy and run home.  My first time travel detective work.  I couldn't wait to see Auntie Cleo.

When I arrived home at our country cottage in a little village on the outskirts of London.  Auntie Cleo was waiting for me with the kettle just boiled and my favorite teacup and biscuits all laid out. She didn't have to be psychic to know that I had landed my first job.

"Heddy, my dear, you need to make sure you have your watch set for the

departure time and return time now," Aunt Cleo reminded me. She added, "Remember to also write down Miriam Lennox's family home address down as well as Guy Hamilton's family too."

"No worries Auntie.  I won't forget.”

As we sipped our tea and I devoured my biscuits I knew I was in store for a great adventure. I was so excited and a bit scared to find out the actual truth for Miriam. And as most time travel adventures go you never know what to expect.

After making all my preparations and telling Auntie Cleo that I would be home for tea in three days time, I quickly went outside to our meadow and stood within our circle of standing stones saying an incantation of where I wanted to go as well as when I wanted to return. Before I knew it I heard a whooshing sound and felt a little dizzy as I landed standing on my own two feet in London at a train station. As I got my bearings, my watch said it was August 3rd, 1840 at 3 pm.  It was definitely more crowded and as I looked around I found out that I was at just the right train platform to take me to Guy Hamilton's family home in Wimbledon, London.

Forty-five minutes later I found myself at Guy Hamilton's home. And as luck would have it there was a summer  party going on outside on the lawn.  Since I had a photo of Guy (of course I had to take into account that he was now 33 years old) and also a photo of Miriam realizing that she too was 10 years older. You are probably wondering how I was able to be at the party uninvited.  I used one of my Auntie Cleo's disguising, magic tricks. All those who saw me, saw me as someone they knew but didn't know well and couldn't even remember my name.  Thus I

was able to blend in - hahaha. What fun.  So as I wandered around the party, I couldn't find Miriam anywhere.   Hm...very interesting. Oh wait a minute.  I think I just spotted Miriam. yes, that's her.  Oh my goodness, she looks very unhappy.  In fact she's sitting in the library reading a book - very alone to say the least. So then I meandered to a solitary place in the rose garden.  And there was Guy with a very beautiful young woman.  Oh my goodness, they were laughing and making goo-goo eyes at each other. And then they would look around to see if anyone was watching them.  I was in a good hiding place in the bushes, so that was good.  I spied on the couple for about 20 minutes or so to see if I was reading more into this scene then there was, but unfortunately for Miriam, the couple was now in a long embrace murmuring endearments to each other and whispering about when they could see each other again.  “I've seen enough” I told myself with disgust!  Poor Miriam. So then I decided to go find Miriam again.  She was still in the library.  Only this time she wasn't alone.  Miriam was talking to one of her friends.  They were talking in low tones and I couldn't detect all that they said; however I got the gist of it.  Miriam was confiding that she'd had enough of Guy's affair with Letticia and she was going to go to France for awhile to stay with a dear friend.

My detective work was finished here.  I believe I found enough evidence for Miriam to break off her engagement to Guy.  Thank Goodness.

As luck would have it, I time traveled myself home just in time for tea with Auntie Cleo.  We had an enjoyable time as I shared my time travel adventures with her. However, Auntie did warn me that when I shared my report with Miriam, she might be in denial and not believe me.  I told her that I would be prepared for that. After all, it is her future life and things could change… but… I didn't believe that Guy would change.

After a nice rest and feeling fully recovered from time travel lag, I met with Miriam and gave her a full report of her future life with Guy. Interestingly enough she didn't seem that upset or surprised. “What are you going to do Miss Lennox?" I asked.

"I'm going break our engagement, of course,” Miriam replied emphatically.

"My Auntie Cleo told me to tell you that she thinks you should break off the engagement in three months time."

"Why should I wait so long?"

"Because you are going to meet your future husband through Guy. He's one

of his friends."

"Alright, I'll wait three months and no longer."

It just so happens that when looking through the newspapers exactly three months later, I spotted Miriam Lennox's engagement to her newly intended.

I love happy endings!

Heddy Hattrick


I am the daughter of Corazon, our tribal chieftess.  Our tribe of Indian women are descendants of the legendary, Grecian Amazons. We live near the Amazon River in South America. Ever since I was a child I was taught by my mother to hunt with a bow and arrow. Although, the women of our tribe are fierce warriors, I do not participate in battles.  I am now in my 20th year living on Mother Earth.

My great adventure really started with Four Feathers.

One full moon night I awoke and spotted four feathers beside by bed.  They looked like pheasant feathers with brown and red colors.  What were they doing beside my bed and who placed them there?  I pondered this for awhile and didn't receive any answers from Great Spirit.  I then fell back into a deep sleep.  When the new morning dawned, vivid images appeared to me of my dream.  I saw a big canoe with billowing cloth around it.  It seemed to ride the wind.  An almost bald man (he seemed ageless) with a single, long, black pony tail, high cheek bones and  yellowish skin steered the canoe  with a big circular-like wooden object.  He seemed to be headed for our shores.  That was all I recalled.  I felt a tingle of excitement run up my spine.  I then looked around my dwelling and noticed the four feathers - they were still there. Since my day was fairly free of duties, I decided to make arrows out of my four new feathers.  This must be a gift from Great Spirit.  Time seemed to fly by and in no time I had made four beautiful feathers to add to my quiver.  I slung them on my shoulder and headed for the forest.  Since I was also a Trail blazer for my people I began clearing a new path to the River.  As I was working, my shoulder which carried the quiver began to itch.   It was as if the four new arrows were trying to tell me something. So I decided to just shoot the new arrows into the sky with my eyes closed and see where they landed. I couldn't find them.  Consequently, I continued to clear the path to the River. When I finally got to the beach,there were the four arrows.  Their tips were facing the great River. And when I looked out over the vast expanse of water, I spotted the big canoe from my dreams with the billowing cloth around it like a big, white bird.  I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't still dreaming.  As the canoe got closer to shore, I could see the almost bald man with the long black pony tail steering the big, circular object.  Well, before I knew it, the strange man of my dreams was getting into a smaller canoe and paddling his way toward my shore.  I don't think I was feeling any fear -  mainly excitement like I have never felt before.  When the strange man finally got out of his canoe and on to the beach, he bowed very low to me and pounded his chest, uttering what must be his name "Liu Ju".  I mimicked him and introduced myself, "Tierra" After a series of sign language, drawing pictures in the sand, etc. I conveyed to Liu Ju that I was going to get my mother, Corazon to meet him.

Thank the Great Spirit, Corazon had the ability to speak and understand most dialects of our native tongue, but most importantly, she could read a person's thoughts and see pictures of the future.  After my mother arrived to meet Liu Ju, we made a camp fire on the beach.

Liu Ju and mother didn't say much as we sat around the fire, but I could tell there was a lot that was silently spoken and understood between them.  Liu Ju ended up staying with my tribe for nearly six moons.  Eventually he and my mother  actually began conversing in Chinese, his native tongue.  He sewed some beautiful garments for me from silk that he had brought from his country.  Liu Ju was truly a remarkable man.  He introduced to us a way of putting porcupine quills into different part of our bodies to heal various sicknesses.  We drank black tea from his land, which was quite out of this world in taste.  I loved it and would drink tea  with him after a long day of hunting or fishing.   When it was time for Liu Ju to return to his country, Corazon and I stood on the shore watching his big canoe riding with the wind into the sunset. His spirit was big and beautiful  and it soared like a bird.

As for Four Feathers, (that was the name I gave my magical arrows) they continued to lead me to what was needed for our tribe - food and water, but most of all new adventures.  Plus, my dreams on full moon nights are all the more richer as my future becomes illuminated.


I am an angel from the planet Venus.  Aeons of years ago I was chosen by my hierarchy of angels to descend to Earth and live among humans helping them to love one another.

Although I am an angel this is no easy mission by any means.

My co-workers of light - other angels that were chosen to help humans, were all given  physical objects that were imbued with magical properties to aid us in our difficult journey on  Earth.

My magical object is a piece of wood that I carry with me wherever I go, unless I am riding it.  I call this creature Unicorn, because If you look closely, you'll spy a horn- like protrusion coming out of his head.

Unicorn allows me to ride him as a vehicle of transportation.  He takes me to plants that I need to eat for nourishment and special high-vibratory sources of water such as Lake Baikal and Crater Lake.   Since we are multi-dimensional creatures, we can be anywhere in the blink of an eye.

Planet Earth has been such a wild, wonderful and chaotic experience.  I do feel there is hope for humanity but in the thousands of years I've dwelt here,  I do have to say that humans were much more evolved in the beginning of my visit.  My job was easier when humans were so much more innocent and kind.  Love is still the most important experience to give and receive on Earth as well Venus.

Unicorn and I are getting ready to leave Earth now  and return home.  I dearly miss Venus; however, I am so grateful for all the lessons I have learned here. I  have grown so much more as a soul and so have all the humans I have worked with.

Love & Blessings,




I knew that I had to find my way to the  Avebury Stone Circle as soon as possible. Not only was I hearing  disturbing reports from traveling bards but my dreams were telling me that my Druid friends and family were in mortal danger.  The Romans were planning to attack and kill a huge community of Druids in Britain because  they feared their power and knew that they would never allow themselves to be under their command.

Thank the stars I was only a day's journey by horse to the Stone Circle.  As the full moon drew nigh, I entered the Avebury circle and placed my forehead against the largest stone in the circle as I recited an ancient  prayer to the Goddess of Light and Mercy. With my eyes closed, I called upon Ambrose  out loud and circled the stone three times.

When I opened my eyes, the moon was shining her magical light on me, the stone and a figure in a hooded, blue robe.  It was Ambrose in his ethereal body.  We locked eyes and there was no need for words.  He knew why I was contacting him.  Surprisingly though, he knew I needed to hear some vital news.

"My daughter, our tribe is leaving at dawn for Avalon," Ambrose said quietly. He continued,  "It is our last stronghold.  No need for you to worry.  You are always welcome to join us."

"No father, I replied and elaborated. "Although I believe in many of your philosophies and spirituality, I am no longer a Druid.  I will continue to help and heal people sharing the druidic principals, but my path is a different one."

"I understand," said Ambrose sadly.  He added, "Please keep in touch my daughter."

My father then disappeared and I touched my forehead to the Stone thanking her for being a loyal conduit of communication.

As I journeyed home to my small village, I realized that I would be moving very soon. The moon shone her light on my future destination far across the water amidst the standing circle stones of Kenmare.


Princess Chelsea

I am a mermaid whose sole mission is to rescue birds.

My first rescue was really amazing.  There was a beautiful hummingbird named Ruby who had been en-route  from the Pacific Northwest waters to the Baja coast.  This small bird was dropping out of the sky and nearly taking a nose dive  into the water. After watching her for awhile I realized that this poor, little bird was totally fatigued. So I swam to where she was about to fall into the water.  Thank Poseidon, she landed on my feathered crown. Whoops, I almost forgot to tell you that I am also a princess. Anyway, the hummingbird shook herself and chirped, " Thank you kind mermaid. You have saved me."

"Where would you like me to take you, little hummingbird?" I asked her.

 "Oh, please call me Ruby."

"And what's your name?"

"It's Princess Chelsea."

"You are an angel, Princess Chelsea. If you could take me to Sierra de La Laguna on the east coast of Baja that would be great.  it's only about 100 miles from where we are now.

"Well Ruby, you'll just have to guide me and we'll get there in between little rests on some big rocks between here and there. Because I get tired too."

And so began our adventure.  I saw many of my whale and dolphin friends as we made our way to Sierra de La Laguna.  Ruby turned out to be quite the chatterbox telling me about all her tribe of hummingbirds and beautiful flowers that they all loved.

When we finally reached our destination.  The first thing we saw from the shore were acres of Manarda or bee balm.  These flowers were the most incredible color of red. To make our arrival even more amazing, Ruby's relatives and friends were all humming away as hummingbirds tend to do and flying all around us showing off as they would turn iridescent red and green.  They were so beautiful that I began to cry out of sheer joy.

Before Ruby buzzed away with his buddies and kin, he asked, "How can I ever repay you for saving my life, Princess Chelsea?"

"Ruby, just tell your bird family and birds of other tribes that I will always be available to help them. Strangely enough, this seems to be my calling."

"I'll be happy to spread the word," Ruby said as she  merrily hummed her way back to her friends and the Manarda flowers.

That's how it all began.  Many of my  mermaid and ocean friends, which includes whales and dolphins also send me SOS messages when they hear of birds in trouble.

Every once in awhile, Ruby will buzz me at my favorite rock near Waldron Island.  I have a good laugh and sometimes when I'm swimming Ruby will perch on my crown for a little rest and a chat and then she's off to Baja or Costa Rica.

Princess Chelsea


I am one of the lesser known goddesses of Hawaii; however, my sister is well known as Pele, the volcano goddess.

I chose to be lesser known because I know my sister could cause a volcano to erupt with her temper, but that's another story. Pele and I get along just fine since I choose to live in harmony and I don't possess any gifts that could cause her any jealousy.

My domain is the creatures of the sea in the Hawaiian islands.  I protect them and keep my domain in balance with all creatures. The Menehune, the little people, are my scouts.  They report to me of any goings on in and around our island waters that may be a source of problems or disharmony.

As you can imagine, being a Goddess enables me to have many magical abilities.  You may have noticed the silver fish earrings that I wear as adornment. Whenever I want to check  on my ocean waters, I simply rub these earrings and say aloud where I wish to go.  I  then arrive in the ocean transformed into a fish.  Happily I swim around  and see for myself what is going on in my domain. Of course I can swim fast and nothing can harm me or eat me for that matter.

One day I  was swimming around as a humhumu (a trigger fish) and I saw an awful sight.  A dolphin was caught up into a net where a fisherman was hauling the poor creature into his boat.  As the fishermen struggled to get the dolphin completely into his boat, I burnt a hole  into the net for the dolphin to swim through and back into the ocean.  The fishermen was astounded as he looked around to see how this could have happened.  As he examined his net,  he found me as a humuhumu wrapped in his net.  As the fishermen brought me on board his boat, I transformed before his very eyes into my Goddess form adorned with my haku, earrings and feathers.

"Do not ever capture a dolphin", I commanded and added, " The dolphin are our friends, not our food. Tell all your friends and family and let the word be spread that the Goddess Lehua, Pele's sister has decreed this law."

The fishermen just bowed his head and cowered and assured me that he nor anyone he knew would ever kill or capture a dolphin again.

That night I traveled to my Menhune friends and told them of my adventure.  As they listened to my story, I sensed their guilt and shame.  The chief of the Menehunes', Keoni spoke, "Goddess Lehua, I apologize on behalf of our people.  From now on we will be more diligent in guarding our sacred creatures.  We anticipate that the mortals will  always obey your command."

"Thank you, my friends," I replied.  I know that I can count on you."

Many centuries have passed now.  I live  quietly in Goddess retirement near  Kilauea.  The Menehunes have built me a beautiful home made from lava rock, which only master builders  can create. My namesake, the Lehua flowers are in bloom -  radiating their red blossoms and causing me to smile.  My smile becomes even broader with the knowledge that dolphins and whales are protected now by law in my beloved Hawaiian Islands.

Aloha nui loa.....


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Louisa du Bois

The knock at the door sounded strong and familiar.  On the recent full moon I had scryed using my bowl of magical water which I obtained from the Healing waters at Lourdes. In the scrying I could see that Heddy was on her way from England to see me for an important visit.

Permit me to introduce myself.  I am Louisa du Bois.  I am Heddy Hattrick's French cousin.  You may or may not recall that she is a Time Traveling detective.  Brides- to -Be consult her to see if their "Intended" are a good match.  Unbeknownst to her clients she travels ten years into their future to see if she finds the couple happily married or not.

Now back to my story.  As I opened the door and gave my cousin a warm hug, I noticed that she seemed anxious and not at all like her usual carefree self. So I quickly ushered into my home and said,

"Dear Cousin Heddy,  come over to the fireplace and get yourself warm while I put the kettle on for a nice cup of tea."

When I returned to the parlor with the tea, Heddy took a big gulp of my herbal concoction and began,

"Oh Louisa, I don't know where to begin."

"Just let the story tell itself and do have another cup of this relaxing tea," I advised hoping for the best.

As Heddy began her story slowly at first and then the story became like a babbling brook.  She seemed to talk non-stop in her telling.  The long and short of it was that she recently had a case where she had traveled  ten years into a couple's future to see if they were happily married.  When she got to their future home she only found the woman, Muriel living alone in a very well- to -do home, a mansion in other words.  As Heddy started investigating to see what had happened to  Muriel's husband, Nigel, she discovered that he had simply disappeared for about six months and no one knew where he was.  Apparently, Muriel had hired a detective to no avail.

"And that's it, Louisa.  Neither Auntie Cleo or myself can see Nigel in our crystal ball."

"Ok, Cousin, let me get out my magic water and have a look-see."

So I poured my miraculous water into a bowl and began looking into the future and saying a silent prayer to the universe to help us find Nigel.  Pictures soon began forming in the water as if I was peering into a mirror.  I could see Nigel in the Swiss Alps.  He seemed to be resting or sleeping.  As I continued the scrying, I began to realize that he was convalescing from an illness.  He was in a kind of private hospital.  I could also see him coughing a lot.  Then it hit me.  He had tuberculosis.  And he didn't want Muriel to know.

"Oh Louisa what are we to do?" Heddy said with grave concern.

"This is what we do: we will sleep on it and hopefully we will receive guidance through our dreams."

So off we went to our beds and slept the sleep of the dead.

When we awoke, we discovered that we both had the same dream.  Our Auntie Cleo had appeared in our dreams.  She instructed Heddy to travel into Nigel and Muriel's future where she was to go to Nigel's hospital in the Swiss Alps.   Auntie Cleo further advised Heddy to bring some of my healing waters in a flask to give to Nigel.

That was the mission.  And she hastened this journey with a "Godspeed."

As Heddy and I gave each other a farewell hug, she said with a hint of  the old mischief in her eyes, "In a fortnight's time, look into your magical waters and you will see our family's magic working like it always has."

And that is exactly what happened - another fairy tale ending: the healing waters saved the Prince and the Prince and Princess were united and lived happily ever after.

Louisa du Bois


I am the Goddess of flowers, trees and vegetation on the Big Island of Hawaii.  And also, I have chosen to collect my sister Pele, the Volcano Goddess's tears.  You may be puzzled by what this means. It sounds strange, doesn't it.  Throughout the ages, I continually witnessed Kilauea's devastating eruptions when lava would destroy any vegetation in its path. Consequently, I have decided that I would collect Pele's tears and make necklaces out of them. Since her tears turn into lava rock, I have done my magic and turned them into black pearl-like beads.  In fact, the necklace that is now adorning me is made from some of Pele's tears, which I have transformed.  Although I am a Goddess with many magical and mystical powers, I can't be everywhere at once (To be honest, I could, but it takes too much energy and I get lazy sometimes) so I have enlisted the Menehune. These are the "Little People" of Hawaii - very much like the Leprechauns of Ireland.  I summon my Menehune when the Volcano is erupting and give them Pele's tears to spread around important vegetation. This actually stops the lava from flowing over these areas that I deem vital to the Island.  It's quite amazing to observe the lava actually stop and move around the vegetation to take another path.  It's as if the lava that is flowing recognizes Pele's lava tears and thinks, "why should I flow over that vegetation when that has already been covered - I'll continue down another path."

In a short amount of time (several hundred years) all the areas where Pele's tears have been scattered, now lush beautiful flowers, trees and shrubs thrive.  And of course, my own Goddess magic is sprinkled into the mix too!

Aloha Nui Loa



I am a Dryad who has been guardian of my Juniper tree (Juni I call her) for several thousand years.

I look very much like a tree myself as the dryad form I chose to morph into was once one of Juni's broken branches.  My adornment of feathers were all gifted to me from my friends, the birds who have roosted on Juni throughout time.

My name was given to me by the "First Peoples".  It means Open Heart.  Those humans who had the sight (I am usually invisible to humans)often told me how thankful they were for my guardianship of Juni.  Throughout Juni's long lifetime she has provided shelter and firewood for humans and a home for various creatures of the wild.

As Juni's guardian I often sing to her when there are storms. This calms her fears of falling or being struck by lightning. What does my singing sound like to a tree?  I have been told by humans who are able to hear my songs, that it sounds like a prayer without words . As if the sounds come from deep within the earth - a very low sounding echo - masculine perhaps.  Also when I sing to Juni, she talks to me without making sounds. I see images in my head of the sun shining or of birds flying by or sometimes, trees that were once her companions and friends that are no longer on this Earth.

Lately, Juni has been communicating to me that she is tired and ready to leave this life.  I realize that she has lived a long, good life and so I will sing her my last song:  "The End of Life Song".  I will sing  to her at twilight and she will then slowly lose her leaves and her roots will dry and she will still stand but her life will end.  And her spirit will soar as I guide her into the heavens.



I suppose I have the gypsies to thank for the path I have chosen as a troubadour, actress and psychic. They had camped near our family home in Ireland one summer.

One fine day in June when the sun was shining brightly and happily I took a walk through the gypsy camp.  Esmeralda, the elder of the group was sitting on the step to her caravan.  She motioned for me to come into her abode.  I followed her in not knowing what to expect, but I felt safe and very curious.  I had never met a gypsy before, let alone visit with one in their home.

First of all let me tell you about Esmeralda.  She was wearing a dress of many colors that reminded me of a patchwork quilt that my Granny Casey had made for me.  Esmeralda skin was very dark due to all the time she had spent in the sun and of course her homeland of Spain was a land where the sun  shone all the time.  All her fingers had silver rings wrapped around them with gem stones that glittered even inside the wagon.  But, most of all her eyes looked like she could see right through me and far into the future.

"Let me read the cards for you Samantha," Esmeralda said with a very heavy accent.  I wondered how she knew my name but didn't ask.

"I don't mind, but please don't tell me anything that has to do with bad luck," I replied with a tremor in my voice.

Esmeralda then had me put my hands on her tarot cards.  And then the reading began, though she never once looked at the cards.  She told me that I would be a wanderer for the first half of my life and travel the world and develop skills playing my harp and singing, acting on stages and also use my clairvoyance to read fortunes.

One of the joys of my life is my dog, Cha.  He is a mixture of Chow and Golden Retriever.  Sometimes people mistake him for a little lion... hahaha.  He's very gentle, but has a ferocious bark, thus he is my protector as well as my best friend. Cha travels with me whenever I use my caravan.  One of my greatest delights is my relationship with Cha.  We  actually communicate telepathically.  How do we do this you might wonder.  Well, whenever I talk to him I also send mental pictures at the same time of what it is I am talking about and vice-versa.  Often when Cha talks to me I receive pictures in my  head of what he's going on about.  Needless to say we've had many adventures together!!

 Here I am nearing 30 years old,  traveling throughout the world working here and there, singing and acting on stages and reading people's fortunes (a skill I learned and developed from a long mentorship with Esmeralda).  I guess you could say that I am living proof of the accuracy of Esmeralda's reading all those years ago when I  was but a wee lass of 15 years


Star Feather

This year my Starfish clan of mermaids are meeting in the warm waters of Kona, Hawaii near the City of Refuge.

I am the appointed Spiritual Elder of this gathering as we celebrate the Summer Solstice.  My sister mermaids are very excited since it will be a time when we "Talk Story".

I feel very honored to share my stories with my clan.  One of the stories I will share is of Pele, The Goddess of the Volcano. Aeons ago as I watched Kilauea's lava flow into the sea, there appeared the magnificent Pele at the water's edge.  It was quite a spectacular site.  I must say I was rather frightened of this Goddess. Her eyes glowed like two coals of  fire.  Her shiny hair as black as lava fell down to her knees.  Pele stepped into the sea in a mist of simmering lava as it hit the water.  Before I knew it, she  had swum out to where I was treading water.  She smiled at me in acknowledgement and then returned to the shore. Although there were no words shared between us, Pele's smile still glows in my heart with the Aloha spirit that is woven into the very fabric of Hawaii and its inhabitants.

It is  now almost time to begin our celebration as I can see  our clan of mermaids forming a circle in the water.  They are all wearing leis given to them by the Menehune (the little people). As the sun shines brightly, the flowers are like halos of rainbows encircling each beautiful sister mermaid.  I can feel Pele's presence in spirit very strongly.  Her aura of Aloha is filling our spirits as  we unite in these wondrous waters of Hawaii.

Star Feather


When we come of age, which is fifteen years old in your Earth years, we are given the choice of choosing our destiny.  My choice was more of a legacy.  I come from a long line of mermaids who sing enchanting songs, which educate and inspire all sorts of beings.   Where does this gift come from?  I suppose the Goddess of mermaids, Anemone, implanted these gifts into us when we were born.  Somehow the songs just spring to life as we sing.

For many years now I have sung for special events, concerts you would call them. They are held in kelp forests throughout the west coast waters of America.  Word gets around quickly when I perform a concert.    My audiences are varied. They include  sea otters, whales, blue herons, fish, etc.  I must admit:  singing for whales is the highest honor.  These huge creatures are the most musical beings I have ever heard.  And they reach octaves in their songs that I can't wouldn't even dare to reach.  They are also so gracious.  Often, as a way of showing their thanks for my music, they will give me a ride on their huge back and transport me to a place of great distance such as the kelp forests in Ecuador.

Enough of my musings for now.  Time to practice for my next concert.  I will be singing a newly composed song, which is dedicated to the kelp forests of the world. These kelp beings provide food and shelter for literally thousands of creatures!



I am from the Andromeda Galaxy, which is about 2.5 million light years from Earth. I am an emissary who has been on this Earth for about one hundred years.  When I walk among humans I transform myself into a male or female and act as though I am human.  People would be hard-pressed to detect that I am not human.  

The form you see me in is how I look in my world.  Women in our world all have violet faces and blue eyes.  We travel on the violet wavelength of color whenever we wander the universe.  My mission is to bring peace on Earth.  I scout the locations on Earth that would be conducive for us to thrive and marry humans, thus cultivating hybrid humans.  We believe this mix would help bring Peace on Earth, for you see the beings from our Galaxy are all Peace loving.

In order to save your world from destruction we need this inter-species breeding to continue.  There are many hybrids now walking the Earth, but they live undetected and quietly promote Peace and Goodwill to all Beings.  My work is nearly finished now and when the time is right our Secrets will be revealed to all beings living on Earth.



I am a  Botanist Space Traveler from the planet Neptune.  My mission brings me to Earth.

My planet has been in great need of a natural contraceptive since we have been experiencing a huge population boom for the last ten years.  And thus our planet is out of balance.

I know that there is a quantity of Asarum Canadense or Wild Ginger as it is commonly known in Illinois.  They are quite an amazing plant.  It flowers from April to June and the flowers are hidden by its leaves.  The flowers seek out the shade rather than light. How extraordinary!

Today as I gazed upon the purplish colors of the flowers I realized that their colors are very much like the color of my hair.  My mentor and teacher,  Drusila will be pleased to hear about this observation.  Perhaps, that why she chose me to gather this magical plant.  Once we have propagated the Wild Ginger and it is well established in our chosen location on Neptune, we gather the roots  to make a contraceptive tea for our women to drink.  As I have already made a tea of this special plant I will be one of the first Neptunian women to experiment and see if it actually works effectively as a contraceptive.  I am so excited to help my planet get back into balance with Mother nature.

If the First Native People in the Americas could do it so can Neptunians.


Zuni ~ The Shell Goddess

Often as I walk amidst mortals, I give them one of my  healing shells that I carry with me wherever I go.

The last shell I gifted was to a young seven year old boy, named Nathaniel who approached me with his mother.  She told me that he had gone deaf a year ago. Since then he has been seen by many physicians and specialists who couldn't even come up with a diagnosis, let alone a cure.

  When I handed Nathaniel the shell I advised him to put it to his ear.  As he did so the shell began to sing a very soothing lullaby.   Nathaniel began to nod his head to the rhythm of the song and his face reflected such peace and happiness.  When Nathaniel's mother saw this she began to cry  tears of joy.  Her son turned to her and said excitedly, "Mother, I can hear again,"He added,  "The shell has told me to tell you to stop fighting with dad. That is is my cure. No more fighting where I can hear you, okay?"

Nathaniel's mother hugged her son, "Yes, yes, yes!  Please forgive us!"

Before I walked away I gave Nathaniel's mother a shell that she and her husband could both take turns listening to if ever they felt disharmony arising between them.  She thanked me most humbly.  Now,  as I look into their future, I see this family living Happily Ever After as their shells sit on a sacred altar waiting to be listened to if needed.
